AIRSI 2020
Call for papersAIRSI2020 is an international conference focused on the application and effects of artificial intelligence and other new technologies that are part of the so called Industry 4.0. Specifically, the aim of this conference is to deepen and broaden the current understanding of the use of all these new technologies to offer all kind of products and a wide variety of services (e.g., tourism, hospitality, health, education, banking, etc.) by focusing on their effects on value creation, relationship outcomes (e.g., satisfaction, loyalty, engagement, profitability), customer perceptions (e.g. trust) and concerns (e.g. privacy, security, etc.), ethical issues and other related aspects.
Topics of interest for the Conference include, but are not limited to:
- Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Digital Transformation
- Immersive Technologies: Virtual reality, Augmented reality, Mixed reality
- Robots, Chatbots, Intelligent Assistants, Data Driven Decision Making
- Sentiment Analysis, Big Data, Influencers, Social Media
- Internet of Things, Collaborative Platforms, Omnichannel Strategies, etc.

Publication opportunities
- Special Issue “Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality and Tourism” to be published at International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
- Special Issue on “New Consumer Responses to New Technology Applications” to be published at the Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC.
Possible Contributions
Interested authors are invited to submit papers related to any of the aforementioned areas. All theoretical and methodological (both qualitative and quantitative) approaches are equally appreciated.
- Extended abstracts: Should not exceed 1,000 words excluding tables, figures and references. The extended abstract should include keywords at the beginning and the list of relevant references at the end. While writing your abstract, please consider covering the research objectives and questions, the research method, preliminary results or findings and originality of paper.
- Work in progress: Should not exceed 4,000 words. However, these papers, which are still work in progress, are expected to cover a short literature review, main research questions, methodological frame and preliminary results of research in order to get constructive feedback during the presentation.
- Full papers: 6,000 words in total, including references.
31 January 2020
1 March 2020
Early registration (195€)
3-4 September 2020
Venue: Online conference
More Information
- Authors guidelines
- Submission address:
- Additional Info:;