Privacy policy

The personal data collected on our website are processed in compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

We also guarantee that personal data are processed lawfully, fairly and transparently, and are collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes, kept limited to those purposes and updated if necessary. Data subjects will not be identified for longer than necessary and their security will be guaranteed by means of appropriate technical and organisational measures.


Who is responsible for your personal data?

  • Company name: ASMARTECH (Asociación Científica para la Promoción de las Tecnologías 4.0 en Marketing y Servicios)
  • CIF: G10715134
  • Registered office: Facultad de Economía y Empresa (CPE103304220) C/ Gran Vía nº 2, Zaragoza, 50005 (Spain)
  • Phone: 976 76 10 00


Why do we process your data and what enables us to do so? Why may we process your data?

By completing the registration, booking or contact forms, sending e-mails or telephoning, your personal data will become the responsibility of ASMARTECH.

The data will be processed for the following purposes:

  • To provide our own services, manage the booking of facilities and complementary services. When the interested party purchases our products and services, we need to process their personal data in order to manage and coordinate the commercial relationship and provide the services they have contracted from us. We are legitimised to process these data by the contractual relationship we have established with the customer.
  • To communicate commercially with customers and interested parties by any means. We communicate commercially by electronic means with our customers based on our legitimate interest in offering them products and services similar to those they initially contracted from us and informing them of our activities and events (Art. 21 LSSICE). You can object at the time of data collection, in each of the communications and through the mechanism provided in the “What are your rights” section.
  • Responding to queries, requests for information and resolving incidents. When a customer requests information about our products, services, activities, etc. or has an incident or complaint in relation to them, we will process their data in order to identify them, contact them and provide them with the requested information or resolve the incident. This processing will be based on the consent of the data subject or on the contractual relationship that binds us.
  • To inform graphically about events and activities. The images published on our website and social networks are used to publicise our products and services and we will obtain the consent of the data subjects verbally or in writing. You can object to the processing at the time of collection of the data or subsequently by using the mechanism set out in the “What are your rights” section.
  • To guarantee the security of persons and facilities by means of video surveillance systems. We have a video surveillance system to guarantee the security of the facilities and people. The treatment is informed on the corresponding signs at the access to the video-surveilled area.


To whom do we provide your data?

We may disclose personal data to third party service providers, for the sole purpose of providing us with certain services on our instructions without using the data for their own purposes and in order to carry out our own activities, or to the competent public authorities in compliance with legal obligations.

In particular, the providers of additional services in our facilities will process contact data of the reservation holder in order to coordinate and provide the contracted service.

Therefore, your data will be transferred to the American company Google, LLC to manage registrations and send emails. This transfer involves the international transfer of data. You can consult Google’s Privacy Policy here.

If there is a claim that justifies it, we will communicate the data of the data subject (normally in the capacity of beneficiary) to the insurance company contracted by the person responsible.


How long do we retain your data?

As a general rule, data will be retained for as long as it is compatible with the purpose for which it was collected and in compliance with legal retention obligations and then deleted.


What are your rights?

You will be able to:

  1. Obtain more information.
  2. Withdraw your consent where you have given it for a particular processing operation.
  3. Stop receiving marketing communications from us.
  4. Exercise your rights of:
    • Access, or to know what personal data we process about you;
    • Rectification, or to correct incorrect or inaccurate personal data;
    • Erasure, or to delete personal data we hold about you that we are not legally obliged to keep;
    • Opposition, or to stop us from processing your personal data for a specific purpose;
    • Restriction, or to restrict our processing of your personal data;
    • Portability, or to have us provide you with the personal data we hold about you;

You may obtain further information and exercise the rights granted to you by the data protection regulations on personal data by submitting a copy of an identification document (only for the exercise of rights) to the means of contact provided by the data controller.

You can find more information about your rights or lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority at the Spanish Data Protection Agency – C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid (901 100 099 – 912 663 517).

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